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Shipping and Delivery

Shipping and Delivery

At H.R. Software Solution, we specialize in website design and development services. As such, our services are delivered electronically, and there is no physical shipping involved. This Shipping and Delivery Policy outlines the process and timelines for the delivery of our digital services:

1.1 Project Timeline:
Upon agreement and confirmation of the project scope, timeline, and payment terms, we will commence work on your project. The timeline for project completion will be communicated to you during the initial consultation or proposal stage. The exact timeframe will depend on the complexity of the project and our current workload.

1.2 Progress Updates:
Throughout the development process, we will provide you with regular updates on the progress of your project. This may include previews, demos, or mock-ups of the website design and functionality for your review and feedback.

1.3 Revisions and Iterations:
We understand that revisions and iterations may be necessary to ensure the final product meets your requirements and expectations. We will work closely with you to incorporate your feedback and make any necessary adjustments to the design and functionality of the website.

2.1 Completion and Delivery:
Once the development work is complete and all revisions have been finalized to your satisfaction, we will deliver the final website files and assets to you electronically. This may include website code, graphics, images, and any other relevant files.

2.2 Website Launch:
Upon delivery of the final website files, you will have the option to launch the website on your preferred hosting platform. We can assist you with the website deployment process if needed, or you may choose to handle it independently.

Contact Us:
If you have any questions about our Shipping and Delivery Policy or require further assistance, please contact us at +91-931 190 3191 / 99.
